Emil Horváth

Emil Horváth

Emil Horváth was born in Nitra. He completed acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava in 1968. He was a member of the SNP Theatre in Martin (1968 – 1976) and then of the New Stage Theatre in Bratislava (1976 – 1983). Since 1983, he has been a member of the Drama Theatre of the Slovak National Theatre, where he has portrayed several characters. For many years he also worked as a director, starting as the director in Martin and after 1989 at the Slovak National Theatre (SND), the New Stage Theatre, the State Theatre Košice, Jozef Gregor Tajovský Theatre Zvolen, Ján Palárik Theatre in Trnava, the Municipal Theatre Brno, the National Theatre Brno and the Theatre pod Palmovkou in Prague, and for 12 years he also directed at the West Theatre. He has starred in many films, television productions and series. He taught at the Academy of Performing Arts for 30 years. In June 2005, he was appointed University Professor in Theatre Arts and Science. From May 2011 until 2013, he was the General Director of the SND Drama Theatre. In 2005, the President of the Slovak Republic awarded him the Order of Ľudovít Štúr II Class for significant merits in the field of cultural development.
1973 – Janko Borodáč Award for the character of Ryumin in the production of Maxim Gorky's play Summer Guests
1974 – Golden Sun Award of the 12th Trutnov Youth Film Festival for the portrayal of Dušan in the film Dolina and Igor in the film Day of the Solstice
1999 – DOSKY Award for the role of Old Man in Eugene Ionesco's production of The Chairs
1987 – A. Bagar Award for 1986 and his performance as Ing. Zilov in the production of A. Vampilov's Duck Hunt
1991 – annual award for his performance in the production of A Flea in Her Ear and for his direction of the play A. Camus Caligula
2000 – Jozef Kroner Award for the year 1999 for the role of the Old Man in E. Ionesco's production of The Chairs
2001 – Literary Fund Award for the character of the Old Man in E. Ionesco's production of The Chairs
2005 - Ľudovít Štúr Order of the Second Class for significant merits in the field of cultural development (award granted by the President of the Slovak Republic)
2010 - Literary Fund Award
2017 - Literary Fund Award for the character of Peter Williamson in the production of the play Apartment at the Bristol Hotel, with consideration of the character of Mr Labaš from the production of The Singing House
The complete character list is on the Theatre Institute's website (Divadelný ústav).