Preliminary provisions
These General Terms and Conditions (from now on referred to as "GTC") of the Slovak National Theatre apply to the sale and the procedure for the sale of tickets for theatrical performances of the Slovak National Theatre or performances organised by the Slovak National Theatre.
1. Tickets for performances of the Slovak National Theatre are tax-free under section 34 of Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax, as amended. Alteration, falsification or copying of tickets is in breach of these GTC as well as the relevant legislation and may result in administrative and criminal consequences.
2. A ticket without a control slip or otherwise intentionally or unintentionally damaged ticket is invalid, and the holder will not be allowed to enter the performance to which the ticket relates or to the theatre upon presenting such a ticket.
3. By purchasing a ticket, the customer acknowledges and accepts that:
a) entering the auditorium after the beginning of the performance is not permitted, for this reason, it is advisable to arrive at the performance well in advance,
c) backpacks, umbrellas and hand luggage, except for small handbags, are not permitted in the auditorium,
d) entrance to the auditorium is not permitted to persons wearing coats, jackets, fur coats and extremely dirty clothing,
e) the consumption of beverages and food, the use of audio-visual equipment and mobile phones is prohibited during the performance,
f) photographing and production of audio- and video-recording of the performance or any part thereof is strictly prohibited,
g) it is forbidden to disrupt the performance, its course, and the performers during the performance, as well as to disturb other visitors before or during the performance within the premises of the SND building, in particular, but not limited to a loud disturbance of the performance, mobile phone ringing, undignified and indecent behaviour or other disturbing actions on the part of the customer before or during the performance,
h) admission to the performance is not permitted to a customer in any state in which he/she might disturb the performance (in particular, but not limited to, under the influence of addictive, narcotic or psychotropic substances or in any other unsuitable state) or if there is a reasonable concern that he/she might disrupt the performance, its progress or other customers to an unreasonable extent,
i) a customer is prohibited from attending a performance where there is a reasonable concern that the performance or the customer's presence at the performance may affect the health or life of the customer or other persons,
j) it is prohibited to behave in a breach of good manners and/or in violation of generally binding legal regulations, as well as behaviour that interferes or there is a reasonable concern that it could interfere with the rights and legitimate interests, as well as the respect and dignity of other customers or visitors, employees of the SND, performing artists, as well as other persons,
4. In the event of non-compliance, violation or in the event of suspicion of an authorised employee (in particular, the auditorium manager, stage manager or other responsible person or persons authorised by the SND) to breach any of the terms and conditions outlined in these GTC, in particular, but not limited to point 4 of this article of the GTC, or in the event of a disturbance or suspected disturbance of the course of the performance or other visitors, as well as in the event of a reasonable concern of a threat to the health or life of a person - the customer or other persons, as well as in the event of a threat to the property of the SND or other persons, the relevant SND employee or a person authorised by the SND is entitled to refuse or prevent access of the customer or visitor to the SND building, the SND building premises or the performance, or to remove the customer/visitor from the performance and/or from the SND building or the SND building premises, both before the performance and for the duration of the performance.
In case it is technically possible, and depending on the extent of the violation of the terms and conditions specified in this GTC, such customer will be allowed to watch the performance on the screen within the premises of the SND designated for this purpose. The SND employee or a person authorised by the SND is authorised to determine the intensity of the violation of the terms and conditions as well as the method of resolving the breach of the terms and conditions following the generally binding legal regulations.
It does not affect the right to compensation for damage caused by the customer's actions. In the case of removal or denial of the customer's access to the performance due to a breach of the GTC, the customer is not entitled to a refund of the purchased ticket or any other compensation.
5. The SND reserves the right to use and manipulate the auditorium's capacity for its own needs, for commercial and other purposes.
Purchase, retail, ticket reservations
Tickets for the SND performances can be purchased in person at the SND box office during opening hours or online via the web portal snd.sk.
1. Tickets purchased online can be presented in both printed and electronic form. Each ticket purchased online is accompanied by a unique QR code/barcode, which will be scanned by a designated scanning device before entering the auditorium. After purchasing an online ticket, the customer is obliged to check immediately whether the online ticket has been delivered to the email address he/she has provided as the electronic address for delivery of the ticket and to check the correctness of the data on the online ticket (date, name of the performance, seat). This must be done without undue delay, no later than the start of the performance to which the online ticket applies. If a customer is late in claiming an online ticket, his/her right to make a claim against the SND shall cease in its entirety. SND is not responsible for non-delivery of online tickets in case of incorrectly entered customer's email address. Tickets for the SND performances cannot be reserved.
2. Reservation of tickets is possible only in the case of group orders according to Article IV, individual reservations for the purposes of the Theatre and in the case of performances authorized by the directors of the SND ensembles, the SND business director and the SND general director.
3. The customer should verify the correctness of the data (date, title of performance, seat) immediately after purchasing the ticket at the SND box office, later claims will not be accepted.
4. The SND reserves the right to sell tickets 30 minutes before the beginning of the performance at the SND box office only for the performances scheduled for that day.
5. The following types of bank cards can be used for payment at the SND box offices: Maestro, MasterCardElectronic, VISA, VISA Electron, DC. Card payments must be notified in advance.
6. Valid cultural vouchers issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic can be used as a payment method at the SND box office. Customers have this opportunity until 6 p.m. during the opening hours of the box office located in the New Building of the SND.
7. Children under the age of 3 are admitted to the auditorium for the SND children's repertoire performances free of charge without the right to their own seat when accompanied by an adult with a purchased ticket.
8. You are not allowed to sit in a seat other than the one indicated on your ticket unless directed to change your seating by the ushering staff.
9. The ticket is a security for the period of its validity (the scheduled performance). The ticket expires when the performance it was purchased for has been performed(excluding the compensation under Article VI. A) point 1 - 3 of the GTC and Article VI. B) point 1 in the event that the performance is cancelled or changed). Alteration, falsification or copying of tickets is in breach of these GTC as well as the relevant legislation and may result in administrative and criminal consequences.
10. It is strictly forbidden to sell SND tickets for commercial purposes without the permission of SND. Commercial sale by a third party is only possible on the basis of consent or contractual relationship with the SND and the original ticket price may not be increased.
Group ticket reservations, invoicing
1. Group ticket reservations:
- a group order is considered to be a demand for more than 10 tickets for one performance,
- for the purchase of 10 or fewer tickets for 1 performance, the customers may purchase them at the SND box offices and on the web portal
2. All the submitted group orders are considered binding.
3. The payment for the group order shall be made no later than the 14th day before the date of the performance. In the event that the payment is not made in accordance with the first sentence of this point of the terms and conditions, the SND is entitled to cancel the order and allow the sale of the tickets in the ticketing system for the public.
4. Once the group order has been confirmed and the payment receipt has been issued, it is not possible to cancel the group order (except for the refund under point 8), change the number and category of tickets or the date of the performance.
5. When tickets are delivered by post (in Slovakia), a postage fee of € 1.90 is added to the ticket price. In the case of mailing the tickets for group purchase upon request of the customer through a postal company, the SND shall not be liable for late delivery or damage to the tickets for the performance in the mail.
6. It is possible to apply a concession to a group order if the conditions according to the SND GTC are met:
- a student concession (if the order is made by a school or school organization) - it is necessary to send a stamped and signed order from the school's official email with the school's details,
- a student concession (if the order is made by an individual) - it is necessary to specify the number of students and a contact person,
- a PwSD and pensioner concession - it is necessary to send an order made by the organisation, association or an application for the whole season. Those documents must include the name and address (invoicing data), contact person, signature and stamp of the organisation or association,
- Disabled and pensioner concession - if the order is made by a natural person, it is necessary to provide contact and billing information, a group concession - according to the concessions approved for the season.
7. Unless the performance is changed or cancelled, the issued payment receipt for the SND tickets based on a binding group order cannot be revoked.
8. Other terms and conditions relating to group tickets which are not provided for in this article of the GTC shall apply accordingly to the terms and conditions in the cases for regular admission tickets unless stipulated otherwise in this article of the GTC.
Ticket Concessions
1. The customers may apply a reduced price of tickets for selected repertoire performances at the SND box office and when buying online, provided that they meet the conditions for its granting.
2. Before purchasing a concessionary ticket at the box office, the customer is obliged to present a relevant document to claim the concession, or, if it is not evident from the given document that the person is entitled to the discount, a combination of documents (e.g. a certificate of attendance at school together with an ID card, etc.) shall be provided. The concession will not be applied without the appropriate identification and evidence of eligibility for the submission. The submission of the relevant documents for the concession is voluntary. It implies the consent of the person concerned to submit such documents and serves solely to prove the right to apply for the benefit. The relevant document means the original of said documents:
- student/school ID,
- student’s record book,
- a concessionary prepaid ticket (called a tram pass),
- proof of school attendance,
- Euro<26, ISIC, ITIC, ESNcard
- PwD or PwSD ID,
- to apply the concession for pensioners aged 62 and over, it is necessary to show a document proving the age or status of the person to whom the reduced ticket is to be issued and who claims the concession. The paper must be accompanied by a photograph of the person in question, e.g. a valid ID card or a discounted prepaid travel card (the so-called "tram pass"); e.g. In the case of other pensioners (early retirement pension recipients), it is necessary to present a decision of the Social Insurance Institution on the granting of a retirement pension, or a discounted prepaid travel card (so-called tram ticket).
Before purchasing a concessionary ticket online, the customers must declare their entitlement to the concession and present the relevant document at the entrance to the auditorium when the ticket is inspected. The concessionary ticket will not be accepted without the appropriate identification and evidence of eligibility for the submission.
3. The concessions cannot be cumulated, combined or merged with other discounts or applied to performances with discounted admission (previews, press nights, morning performances and other performances) if not specified otherwise.
4. Unless otherwise specified on the theatre's website and/or on the information boards at the SND box offices, concessions do not apply to New Year's performances (31.12.), premières, performances of guest theatre groups or other events or special performances or events (determined by the SND Sales Director in consultation with the company's director).
A) Cancellation, change of performance, ticket exchange
1. In the event of a performance change, the customer may attend an alternative performance. If the customer accepts the change, the purchased tickets are valid for the replacement performance. Suppose the customers attend an alternative performance in the event of a performance change. In that case, they will lose the right to a refund of the admission fee as well as to a refund of any price difference between the original performance and the alternative performance.
2. In the event of a change of the performance, according to point 1 of this article of the contract, if the customers disagree with the title of the alternative performance and do not take the opportunity to attend the alternative performance, they have the right to return the unused tickets. The price paid/reimbursed for the ticket in question will be refunded in the total amount in which they were purchased.
3. Refunds can be requested
in writing by email to vstupenky@snd.sk with your account number and bank code (IBAN, SWIFT/BIC) only in the event of cancellation or rescheduling of the performance. Scanned unmarked tickets or a PDF HomePrint of the ticket must be attached to the request for a refund. The size of attachments sent together in one email can be a maximum of 25 MB.
A request for a refund of admission fees under the conditions mentioned above must be submitted no later than two years from the originally scheduled date of the performance. Otherwise, the right to a refund of admission fees will expire by the relevant legislation.
4. The SND informs about cancellations and changes to the programme via its website
www.snd.sk and announcements at the SND box offices. The Slovak National Theatre also informs customers with group orders by telephone or e-mail if this is technically or temporally possible and if it has contact details. Spectators are responsible for verifying that the performance has not been changed or cancelled on the day of the performance.
5. Change of the programme is reserved. A change of cast or partial changes to the artistic production are not grounds for a refund or reduction of the entry fee. Refunds are not possible, even in the case of errors in subtitling or minor changes to the beginning of the performance or changing the performance to a concert version.
6. In the event of a change or cancellation of the performance for any reason, the customers are not entitled to reimbursement of any other expenses/costs in connection with the performance for which they have purchased a ticket - in particular transport to/from the venue, accommodation, meals, etc.
7. Purchased tickets for the performance cannot be returned or exchanged, nor can any other refund or discount be requested for the purchased tickets (except for the refund according to Article VI. point 1 - 3 of the GTC in case of performance cancellation).
8. In case of a ticket loss, the SND does not provide a replacement ticket.
9. Tickets for performances purchased under these GTC are not subject to the customer's right of withdrawal under Section 7 (6) (k) of Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services Under a Distance Contract or a Contract Concluded Off the Seller's Premises and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts (hereinafter referred to as "Act No. 102/2014 Coll."), and the customer, as a consumer, may not withdraw from the contract under the relevant provisions of Act No. 102/2014 Coll.
B) Cancelled performances due to the COVID-19 pandemic
1. In connection with the cancelled performances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the customer has the right to request a refund of the admission fee in writing by e-mail to the following address
When requesting a refund, please provide your account number and bank code (IBAN, SWIFT/BIC) and attach scans of the tickets to be refunded.
At the same time, the customers may exchange those tickets directly at the box office for other repertoire performances.
2. A request for a refund of admission fees under the conditions mentioned above must be submitted no later than two years from the originally scheduled date of the performance. Otherwise, the right to a refund of admission fees will expire by the relevant legislation.
Gift Vouchers
1. Gift vouchers can be used to pay for tickets and additional merchandise at the box office.
2. gift vouchers can only be used to purchase tickets online.
3. When purchasing an online gift voucher, the customer is obliged to immediately check whether the online gift voucher has been delivered to the email address provided by the customer as the email address for delivery of the gift voucher, at the latest by the last day of validity of the online gift voucher. If a customer is late in claiming an online gift voucher, his/her right to make a claim against the SND shall cease in its entirety. The SND is not responsible for non-delivery of online gift vouchers in case of incorrectly entered customer's email address.
4. A gift voucher is a security item, the counterfeiting of which is punishable under the relevant law.
5. Types of gift vouchers:
Gift voucher valued at 20 €
Gift voucher valued at 35 €
Gift voucher valued at 50 €
6. Each gift voucher has a unique identifier.
7. Gift vouchers can also be redeemed for performances on dates exceeding the validity of the gift voucher.
8. The gift voucher can only be used for a single-ticket payment. It cannot be used for partial ticket purchases. The remaining cash will not be returned when purchasing tickets with a gift voucher.
9. When paying for tickets using gift vouchers, it is possible to use multiple gift vouchers and combine different types of gift vouchers.
10. In case of loss or damage to the gift voucher, the SND does not provide a new/replacement voucher.
11. A gift voucher is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for a voucher with a different expiry date.
12. Gift vouchers can be purchased at the SND box office and online at
13. The SND gift voucher is not subject to VAT.
14. Unless specified otherwise in this article of the GTC, the terms and conditions set out in other articles of these GTC shall apply correspondingly to gift vouchers.
The sample SND gift voucher for the season valid from 2/9/2024 until 31/12/2025

Subscription - season tickets retail
1. We offer season tickets retail for the 2024/2025 season.
2. A season ticket is a prepaid ticket to a series of selected theatre performances. The season ticket includes tickets for a defined seat and the specific theatre performances scheduled for a fixed date and venue.
3. By purchasing the season tickets, the season ticket holder secures a permanent reservation of the selected seats in the venues of the performances listed in the series for which the season ticket applies. There is no need for any further bookings.
4. The season ticket is marked with the name of the holder, the series number of the season ticket, title of the series, the specific venue (of the specific building of the and the reserved seat.
5. The season ticket shall not be handed over to the ushers at the entrance to the venue; it substitutes for the ticket and must be presented to the ushers at each entrance to the venue. The season ticket holder keeps the season ticket for all the performances in the series.
6. The dates of the SND Opera, Ballet and Drama performances shall be announced well in advance of the performance. The specific performance dates and the season ticket series can be verified at the programme posters and the website
7. The season ticket holder cannot change the dates of the performances.
8. The season ticket is transferable. Therefore, if the date of the performance does not suit the season ticket holders and they cannot participate in person, they may lend their season ticket to their family members, acquaintances or friends.
9. In the event of a change or cancellation of a performance, the SND shall offer the season ticket holder an adequate alternative.
10. By purchasing the season ticket its holder undertakes to follow and respect the scheduled dates of the performances that are designated within the season series.
11. The season ticket is a security for the period of its validity (according to the performances scheduled within the season series). The season ticket expires when all the performances of the season series it was purchased for have been performed(excluding the compensation under Article VI. A) point 1 - 3 of the GTC and Article VI. B) point 1 in the event that the performance is cancelled or changed). Alteration, falsification or copying of tickets is in breach of these GTC as well as the relevant legislation and may result in administrative and criminal consequences.
12. Subscription series are sold prior to the start of the respective season. Season tickets can be purchased directly at the SND box office or by sending an order by e-mail to
13. The SND does not guarantee the seats from the previous seasons for any of the series.
14. In case of loss of the subscription card, a fee of 20 € will be charged for the renewal of the card.
15. Change of the programme is reserved.
Final Provisions
1. These General Terms and Conditions come into force and effect on 1. 8. 2023.
The terms, conditions and facts stipulated in the appendices to the General Terms and Conditions are hereby binding and valid as part of these General Terms and Conditions.