Il signor Bruschino

Gioacchino Rossini
Il signor Bruschino
Composing was no sweat and tears to Gioacchino Rossini. With slight exaggeration, composing a full-length opera took the great master as much effort as inventing a recipe for steam salmon with hollandaise or one for beef Wellington.
The single-act opera Il signor Bruschino is a masterpiece with tangled comical plot and characteristic operatic denouement. The son is not the actual son” he is merely an enamoured suitor of Miss Sofia. The actual son is freezing because of unpaid bill in the cellar of Filliberto, the tavern master. The old Bruschino is always hot even when the others aren’t. The maid Marianna is interested in pursuing the bachelor Gaudenzio, yet he obviously keeps on resisting her. Gaudenzio´s genuine problem, however is to find out which of the Bruschino family sons stands in front of him at a given moment. And that, who is determined to identify – or “resolve” it with all dignity, is the face of law and public (dis)order), the Police Commissioner. This is how simple are the plots of the illustrious master chef and gourmet of Pesaro, gifted with a singular musical talent.
Duration: c. 80 minutes.