Signatures of the Masters

Edwaard LiangCraig DavidsonWilliam ForsytheJerome Robbins
Signatures of the Masters
The medley Signatures of the Masters brings, in Slovak première, stage pieces that represent the work of four imperative world choreographers of the 20th and 21st centuries – Edwaard Liang, Craig Davidson, William Forsythe and Jerome Robbins. Each is distinctive and unique in terms of movement vocabulary, different perceptions of the dancer's body and individual approach to the adaptation of dance technique into a choreographic text. The four one-act dance compositions are linked together by technical sophistication, emphasis on movement aesthetics and poetics that is largely reflected in the harmony of dance and musical master. The programme is intended to augment the repertoire with works of world modern ballet that represent a major challenge for performers, yet are an attractive delicacy for the audience.
Dramaturgy Kristián Kohút
Production Matúš Benža, Katarína Kandríková
Choreografia Edwaard Liang