Maida Hundeling

Maida Hundeling


The german soprano is best known for her excellent interpretation of the Heroins in the german romantic repertoir, especially in operas by R.Wagner and R.Strauss, L v.Beethoven, C.M.v Weber, among others. But she presents as well the dramatic soprano roles by Verdi, Puccini, Janáček, Dvořak,
Smetana, Tschaikowsky and others and is worldwide wellknown as a so called ‚ singing- actor'.
Praised by the media for her “fierce and drammatic Soprano sound with ringing top notes" and for being a “ charismatic and sophisticated soprano singer in her prime means of expressing emotions with securely and beautifully singing in all registers", Maida will start the season 2023/24 with the soprano part in Schostakowitsch 14.Sonfonie with the Czech Radio Symphonie Orchestra in Prague under the baton of R.Jindra. This will be followed by presenting the role of Abigaille in a new production of Verdi's Nabucco at SND Bratislava and repertoir performances of Nabucco and Tannhäuser at NDM Ostrava.
In November 2023 she will present the title role in Puccinis Turandot at Nationaltheater Mannheim and participate in a recital with songs by R.Strauss and R.Wagner together with V.Egel at HNK I.Pl. Zajc, Rijeka.
The Soprano will return to one of her signature roles as Elektra by R Strauss in a revival of the production by M.Blazevic at HNK I Pl.Zajc, Rijeka in January 2024, and as well take over the role of Turandot in the revival production at ND Praha.
In 2017 she received the prestigues czech Thalia award for her outstanding presentation as singing actor of the role of Desdemona in G Verdi's Otello at NDM Ostrava.
In march 2024, Mrs Hundelingis presents various Puccini Heroins, in a Galakoncert with the Slovakian filharmonie in Košice.
For the title role of Aida,she returns to the revival production at SND Bratislava in May 2024.
The final of the season calls Maida to present again the title role of Turandot in Tokyo with the Royal Opera House and under the baton of A.Pappano.
She started her education with the bariton Werner Schürmann and continued her studies with KS Olivera Miljakovic and the tenor Jan Vacik.
She had the chance to work intensly with Richard Trimborn,Munich and continues with coachings in Munich, Vienna, London and Piacenza.
In May 2022 Maida made her highly acclaimed role debut as Ortrud in Lohengrin at the Royal opera house/ Covent Garden in London and in the summer 2021 she performed for the first time in the Arena di Verona.
Major roles as Elisabeth/Venus in Tannhäuser, Elsa, Senta ,Sieglinde ,Brünnhilde, Isolde , Chrysothemis/
Elektra, Salome ,Ariadne auf Naxos, Fidelio- Leonore, Wozzeck- Marie, Tosca, Turandot, Aida, Abigaille, Amelia- ballo in maschera, Desdemona, led Maida to opera houses
worldwide, as Houston Grand Opera, Salt Lake City- Utah Opera, Edmonton Opera, Opera di Montreal, Hamburg and Lepzig , Braunschweig, Oldenburg, Wiesbaden,
Freiburg, Saarbrücken, Dortmund,Bielefeld, Münster, Regensburg ,Tokio, NCPA- Peking , Prague , Ljubljana,
Brno, Ostrava, Bratislava, Vienna, Bari, Venice, Bolzano, Piacenza, Modena, Milano, Palermo, Rijeka, Trieste etc
The next major projects will bring Maida to the NCPA in Peking as Brünnhilde in the new ring cycle production, she will perform in the new ring cycle at ROH Covent Garden and in the new production of Turandot at Opera di Montreal among others.
The soprano is also famous for her excellent interpretation of Lied, Oratorio and sacral repertoir.


Abigail, alleged daughter of Nabucco
Abigail, alleged daughter of Nabucco