Miriam Kičiňová

Miriam Kičiňová

Director, SND Drama Company
Address: Pribinova 17, 819 01 Bratislava
Miriam Kičiňová was born in Trebišov. She studied theatre dramaturgy and the theory and criticism of theatre art at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, where she also completed her doctoral studies. She participated in an exchange study stay at AGRFT in Ljubljana as part of the Erasmus programme. As a judge or correspondent for festival newspapers, she participated in non-professional theatre shows such as Scenic Harvest. As a reviewer, she wrote for Javisko, KOD, Divadlo v medzičase and Monitoring of Slovak Theatres. She worked as a teacher at the Church Conservatory in Bratislava and the Conservatory in Košice. She is an external lecturer at the Academy of Performing Arts, Department of Scenography and Costume Design. In 2015 - 2019, she worked as an external dramaturge of the State Theatre Košice. She has also worked with the Jonáš Záborský Theatre in Prešov, the Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, and the Ján Palárik Theatre in Trnava.
She has been working in the Drama Department of the Slovak National Theatre since 2010 as a dramaturgy lecturer and since 2020 as a dramaturge. She has also been involved in educational projects and foreign activities.
2014 - DOSKY in the category Discovery of the 2013/2014 season for the production The Ten Commandments (together with Daniel Majling)
2016 - Literary Fund Award for dramaturgy in the productions of Solaris and a Roman Woman
2017 - Literary Fund Award for dramaturgy of the project Theatre Against Extremism - production of Natálka