No performances scheduled for this day.

Fairy-tale opera for children and their parents performed in Slovak

Fairy-tale opera for children and their parents performed in Slovak

Will love break the curse of the swan? The most famous classical ballet in four acts

Contemporary British comedy presents an ironic view of the world of theatre and, at the same time, pays tribute to this world

An appealing shock therapy that will open your eyes, melt your heart and raise your mouth corners

A story about the search for the meaning and place of spirituality in the modern urbanised world, but also a satirical look at the world of art

The play is without words but says more than the one with lots of talking
No performances scheduled for this day.

Will love break the curse of the swan? The most famous classical ballet in four acts

An intimate look into the woman's soul
No performances scheduled for this day.

Will love break the curse of the swan? The most famous classical ballet in four acts

A thrilling play about eternal moral dilemmas inspired by the Salem witch hunt

Contemporary comedy about three women who are losing grip of their lives, until they end up in utter chaos.

Vstupenka na rozprávku Nebojsa a noc v Slovenskom národnom divadle

A fairy-tale about how Maruška and Fear-Not encountered more than just Twelve Months.

The story of the country from which one leaves

A fairy-tale about how Maruška and Fear-Not encountered more than just Twelve Months.

The story of the country from which one leaves

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

An almost serious comedy about undercover housekeeping, innocent infidelity and the perfect joke

Dramatisation of prose by a brilliant observer of harsh human fate

Informal conversations with the personalities from the Slovak National Theatre

An appealing shock therapy that will open your eyes, melt your heart and raise your mouth corners

Opera in four acts performed in Italian
Slovak/German subtitles

This original Slovak play was based on Marianna Oravcova's publication - Operation B, published by the Nation's Memory Institute

This is brilliant literature about literature and a culture that is infused with irony, insight, sensitivity and comprehension.

Opera in four acts performed in Italian
Slovak/German subtitles

Two gems of Slovak and Czech realistic drama

Workshop kreatívneho tanca pre deti a mládež vo veku 10 – 15 rokov

Inscenované čítanie finálových textov súťaže DRÁMA 2023.

Opera in four acts performed in Italian
Slovak/German subtitles

A comedy universe in a new format, with the bride waiting in vain for the groom and the author hitting the confines of the time.

Contemporary comedy about three women who are losing grip of their lives, until they end up in utter chaos.

The best-known Slovak comedy for the first time on stage the SND. Kubo as a defenceless and adorable simpleton, or a dangerous individual capable of everything?
No performances scheduled for this day.

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

Dramatisation of a novel about attacks on Russian intelligentsia.

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

Magical comedy about unconventional wedding preparations

A creative reflection on a tragedy that has remained suppressed and untold for nearly a hundred years. A tragedy caused by prejudice that is present to this day.

A story about the desire to discover one's place in society, even at a blood price

Adaptation of the famous novel

You will learn the key facts about the history of the theatre, as well as about its role in contemporary Pressburg and in present-day Bratislava.

Adaptation of the famous novel

You will learn the key facts about the history of the theatre, as well as about its role in contemporary Pressburg and in present-day Bratislava.

No performances scheduled for this day.

100 rokov Slovenského národného divadla

A new edition of a successful project that integrates choreographic mastery with outstanding fashion.

This original Slovak play was based on Marianna Oravcova's publication - Operation B, published by the Nation's Memory Institute

A play about wealth that becomes fatal. About the life we want to protect and save. At what price?