
Original Slovak opera (not only) for children

Absurdná komédia o závislosti od pochybných liečebných praktík
No performances scheduled for this day.

Absurdná komédia o závislosti od pochybných liečebných praktík

Vzrušujúca dráma, nádherný básnický epos o vášni, láske a tradícii

A four-act opera in French with Slovak and English subtitles

One of the greatest pieces of world literature

An appealing shock therapy that will open your eyes, melt your heart and raise your mouth corners

Original Slovak opera (not only) for children

A four-act opera in French with Slovak and English subtitles

Authorial play inspired by the life of Edward Bernays and his wife Doris Fleischman.

A story about the desire to discover one's place in society, even at a blood price

Original Slovak opera (not only) for children

A four-act opera in French with Slovak and English subtitles

Adaptation of the famous novel

A story that took place between two neighbours in the small town of Mirhorod, but could also take place in your neighbourhood

Adaptation of the famous novel
No performances scheduled for this day.

A story about the search for the meaning and place of spirituality in the modern urbanised world, but also a satirical look at the world of ar

Energetic comedy with delicate ingenuity

Four ladies chat over a cup of tea about everything and nothing. Funny, cruel, factual and touching

This original Slovak play was based on Marianna Oravcova's publication - Operation B, published by the Nation's Memory Institute

A relationship based on the essence of fashion and ballet. The best of edition features the best choreography and design pieces from the previous three editions.

Absurdná komédia o závislosti od pochybných liečebných praktík

You will learn the key facts about the history of the theatre, as well as about its role in contemporary Pressburg and in present-day Bratislava.

You will learn the key facts about the history of the theatre, as well as about its role in contemporary Pressburg and in present-day Bratislava.

You will learn the key facts about the history of the theatre, as well as about its role in contemporary Pressburg and in present-day Bratislava.

A relationship based on the essence of fashion and ballet. The best of edition features the best choreography and design pieces from the previous three editions.

Magical comedy about unconventional wedding preparations

Is it possible to escape the past and continue living without punishment? Is there a possibility of retribution? What's the point? Is it possible to wash away the guilt? How to live with such conscience? Is it possible to forgive and forget?

Energetic comedy with delicate ingenuity

Authorial play inspired by the life of Edward Bernays and his wife Doris Fleischman.
No performances scheduled for this day.

A fairy-tale about how Maruška and Fear-Not encountered more than just Twelve Months.

This original Slovak play was based on Marianna Oravcova's publication - Operation B, published by the Nation's Memory Institute

A fairy-tale about how Maruška and Fear-Not encountered more than just Twelve Months.

Neformálne rozhovory s osobnosťami SND

Vzrušujúca dráma, nádherný básnický epos o vášni, láske a tradícii

Coproduction with Schauspielhaus Wien

A story that took place between two neighbours in the small town of Mirhorod, but could also take place in your neighbourhood

A powerful family drama by a Nobel Prize-laureate.

Will love break the curse of the swan? The most famous classical ballet in four acts

Will love break the curse of the swan? The most famous classical ballet in four acts

Author’s production – a small probe into th einner world of a woman turning thirty

A thrilling play about eternal moral dilemmas inspired by the Salem witch hunt

Will love break the curse of the swan? The most famous classical ballet in four acts

A black comedy based on Roald Dahl's Skin

A black comedy based on Roald Dahl's Skin

This original Slovak play was based on Marianna Oravcova's publication - Operation B, published by the Nation's Memory Institute

V roku 2025 si pripomíname 90. výročie narodenia jedného z najvýraznejších divadelných, filmových a televíznych hercov Ivana Mistríka (1935 – 1982).

Contemporary British comedy presents an ironic view of the world of theatre and, at the same time, pays tribute to this world

Contemporary British comedy presents an ironic view of the world of theatre and, at the same time, pays tribute to this world