Repertoire Drama

Chanoch Levin
A Winter Funeral
The new SND building, Studio

Magical comedy about unconventional wedding preparations

Tereza Trusinová
A dogs’ life of Gertrude S.
The new SND building, The Blue Salon
Gertrude Stein is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable yet controversial female figures of the 20th century Despite the fact that she was a supporter, promoter and patron of men such as Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Ernest Hemingway, Henri Matisse, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and others, not only in our context, her personality and legacy have remained more or less forgotten. Is it that we have long overlooked women and those in the arts in particular? Or the fact that she was in a lesbian relationship with her life partner, Alice B. Toklas? Neither is likely to be the reason. Rather, it may have been the fact that, as a Jew living in Nazi-occupied France, she was only able to maintain her lifestyle as an art collector and provide for her physical safety thanks to the protection of Bernard Faÿ, an influential official in the Vichy government and Nazi collaborator. One way or another, we will never know the true answer to this question. Our production does not aim to assess or make judgments but rather to explore the micro-details and motivations in the life of an American Jewish woman with German roots and a bilingual upbringing who has made a roundabout return to the old continent. What did the avant-garde poet, playwright, librettist, translator and author of novels inspired by Cubism, one of the most distinctive literary experimenters and a woman who helped many men become great, long for? Perhaps, after all, we have more in common with her than we think. Then again, she was also a human being. Flesh and bone. The original play written by Tereza Trusinova, from whom the SND Drama Theatre commissioned the text for the second time, will be directed by Jana Wernerová, an established director, a member of the middle generation, who has so far worked mainly at the Na Peróne Theatre.   The production is suitable for audiences aged 15 and over.   Running time is indicative, as the dress rehearsal is still due for the production.   Première March 29, 2025   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.    
Mazlum Nergiz
Am Fluss/Pri rieke [On the River]
The new SND building, Studio

Coproduction with Schauspielhaus Wien

Gerhart Hauptmann
Before Sunset
The new SND building, Studio

A powerful family drama by a Nobel Prize-laureate.

Federico García Lorca
Blood Wedding
The new SND building, Drama hall

Vzrušujúca dráma, nádherný básnický epos o vášni, láske a tradícii

Guy de Maupassant
Boule de Suif [Dumpling]
The new SND building, Drama hall
A combination of several dramatisations of short stories by the famous French writer. A village in the French countryside. Life seems to be resuming its old ways after the war. Although enemy soldiers are everywhere, people are trying to live their normal, mundane lives with their worries and joys. After the dark days of living and dying, the village prepares for the celebration of the First Holy Communion. Guests from the city arrive, extended families gather, and the village is ready for a great folk festival. However, this is interrupted by a ban; the commander of the occupation squad forbids the out-of-towners to leave the village. A power that has hitherto lurked in the background as a vague threat suddenly becomes fully revealed. In a borderline situation, people's characters come out, and the festive day turns into a bitter grotesque. Maupassant was a ruthless observer of his own contemporaries. His texts are bursting with irony, surprising points and grotesqueness, but at the same time with a very deep knowledge of human nature and life.   The production is suitable for audiences aged 15 and over.   Running time is indicative, as the dress rehearsal is still due for the production.   Première June 7, 2025   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.    
Mika Myllyaho
The new SND building, Studio

Contemporary comedy about three women who are losing grip of their lives, until they end up in utter chaos.

Voľne na motívy poviedok Boženy Slančíkovej Timravy
The new SND building, Studio
Loosely based on short stories by Božena Slančíková-Timrava   A story about children, whom we can completely suffocate with too much love, but also about strangers, to whom we can be cruel and indifferent
Michal Belej, Daša Krištofovičová
Declaration of Independence
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Authorial play inspired by the life of Edward Bernays and his wife Doris Fleischman.

Béla Pintér
The new SND building, Studio

A powerful intimate story about parents and two adopted girls

Christopher Hampton
The new SND building, Studio

Based on the novel Candles Are Burning Out by Sándor Márai.

A riveting reconstruction of betrayal, friendship, chase and passion.

Caryl Churchill
Escaped Alone
The new SND building, Studio

Four ladies chat over a cup of tea about everything and nothing. Funny, cruel, factual and touching

Ľubomír Feldek
The new SND building, Drama hall

A fairy-tale about how Maruška and Fear-Not encountered more than just Twelve Months.

Katja Brunner
Ghosts Are Only Human
The new SND building, Studio
A bittersweet collective meditation on ageing and its cruelty, dying, waiting for what will never come, on true helplessness, fear and anger, in short, on everything we turn a blind eye to. Like most of us, do you feel it doesn't apply to you? All the more reason to be alert so that you are not surprised by the signs of advanced age later on. And perhaps also so that we can have greater compassion for each other. Any one of us may one day find ourselves in the position of a bedridden person. What is hidden behind the absent gaze, behind the silent faces? The Swiss author Katja Brunner, who writes in German, has embarked on a pilgrimage in which she wants to explore all aspects of old age, which people often experience literally left behind in retirement homes. In Ghosts Are Only Human, a prominent representative of the youngest generation of female authors from German-speaking countries offers her view of people who once bubbled with energy and had rich private, civic and comfortable lives. All that is left, however, are bodies pretending to be what they once were, plus scraps of experience and bruises showing the "kind" attitude of the nursing staff. Isn't the name retirement home a synonym for death home? Can a person in advanced age feel like a forgotten glove while another feels an overwhelming sexual desire? We learn this in monologues, which, as the author herself puts it, have no future, which makes them more free than others. Katja Brunner's writing was based on her experience volunteering in such a facility. Her text is a response to the bureaucratisation of ageing and the dehumanisation of human beings.   The production is suitable for audiences aged 15 and over.   Running time is indicative, as the dress rehearsal is still due for the production.   Première June 14, 2025   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.    
Pavel Vilikovský
Hound Dog
The new SND building, Drama hall

This is brilliant literature about literature and a culture that is infused with irony, insight, sensitivity and comprehension.

Ivan Vyrypajev
The new SND building, Studio

Bitter-sweet small-scale drama about the intimate universe of married couples

Denys Arcand
Jesus of Montreal
The new SND building, Drama hall

A story about the search for the meaning and place of spirituality in the modern urbanised world, but also a satirical look at the world of ar

Ján Chalupka
Kocúrkovo (Gotham City)
The new SND building, Drama hall

A comedy universe in a new format, with the bride waiting in vain for the groom and the author hitting the confines of the time.

Louisa May Alcottová
Little Women
The new SND building, Drama hall

Adaptation of the famous novel

William Shakespeare
The new SND building, Drama hall

One of the most famous tragedies about the tempting but sinister temptation to gain absolute power making one lose everything

Lope de Vega
Madness in Valencia
The new SND building, Drama hall

Energetic comedy with delicate ingenuity

Matúš Bachynec
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Authorial docudrama that explores the profound story of a woman, mother, lawyer, politician, member of the Czech anti-Nazi résistance, and a victim of Stalinist show trial, Milada Horáková.

Morena, author’s production
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Author’s production – a small probe into th einner world of a woman turning thirty

Florian Zeller
The new SND building, Studio

An intimate look into the woman's soul

Gianina Carbunariu
My Beloved Enemy (Author’s project)
The new SND building, Drama hall
The original project of the director Gianina Carbunaria is another of the SND Drama Theatre's collaborations with prominent creators from abroad. The Romanian playwright and director has worked on many European theatre stages. She is preparing an exclusive original play that touches upon two realities for the Drama Theatre of the Slovak National Theatre. Two countries with a post-communist past are moving towards the present. At the same time, in the effort to understand new narratives and the problems of divided societies, there is a desire for a dialogue, whatever we imagine it to be. The original play will be based on research, interviews and a close examination of the experiences of individual performers. Her working method creates a new, autonomous perspective on what we actually live or rather would like to live. Reality and theatre fiction, distance and detachment provide the means to re-evaluate what we honestly know about ourselves.   The production is suitable for audiences aged 15 and over.   Running time is indicative, as the dress rehearsal is still due for the production.   Première April 5, 2025   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.
Peter Pavlac
OPERATION B - talking about silence
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

This original Slovak play was based on Marianna Oravcova's publication - Operation B, published by the Nation's Memory Institute

Lukáš Brutovský
Odliv [Drain]
The new SND building, Studio

The story of the country from which one leaves

Franz Xaver Kroetz
Request Concert
The new SND building, Studio

The play is without words but says more than the one with lots of talking

Eugéne Ionesco
The new SND building, Studio
Eugène Ionesco is one of the most important representatives of the theatre of the absurd and one of the classics of 20th-century literature. Originally a Romanian author, but working and writing in France, he felt that language was no longer a sufficient tool for communication and understanding and that the tragedy was the transformation of the human being. He also addressed this in his absurdist grotesque Rhino. In an unidentifiable town, normal or decent people gradually start turning into rhinos. They roam the city streets in large numbers, singing loudly and occasionally vandalising the surroundings. The play also opens a discussion about who is willing to undergo the transformation and find their place in the safety of the herd and who would rather still remain human. Can a little burst of love, meaning of life or work stop such a transformation? Or is the path to the desertion of humanity already inevitable? The metaphorical image of a totalitarian society becomes once again a warning of the ease with which a society can abandon its values and principles. The key play of the Theatre of the Absurd was first staged in 1959.   The production is suitable for audiences aged 15 and over.   Running time is indicative, as the dress rehearsal is still due for the production.   Première April 12, 2025   Do you also wish to be among the first to know what is going on at the SND? Leave your contact details with us, and you won’t miss out on any news.    
Roman Polák
Scenes from the Life of Director (Ingmar Bergman)
The new SND building, Studio

A production about the cathartic power of theatre.

Jozef Gregor Tajovský, Gabriela Preissová
Sin / Her Stepdaughter
The new SND building, Studio

Two gems of Slovak and Czech realistic drama

The new SND building, Studio
Projekt Tatarka zachytáva časť autorovho literárneho kozmu v jeho nekonečne asociačnej, alegorickej až snovej náture
Ivan Stodola
Tea at the Senator's
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

Theatre of the Blind - Zrakáč Theatre

Božena Slančíková-Timrava, Daniel Majling
The Ball
The new SND building, Drama hall

Dramatisation of prose by a brilliant observer of harsh human fate

Sarah Ruhlová
The Clean House
The new SND building, Studio

An almost serious comedy about undercover housekeeping, innocent infidelity and the perfect joke

Alberto Moravia
The Conformist
The new SND building, Drama hall

A story about the desire to discover one's place in society, even at a blood price

Arthur Miller
The Crucible
The new SND building, Drama hall

A thrilling play about eternal moral dilemmas inspired by the Salem witch hunt

Roald Dahl
The Hotel Bristol Apartment
The new SND building, Drama hall

A black comedy based on Roald Dahl's Skin

Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière
The Imaginary Invalid
The new SND building, Studio

Absurdná komédia o závislosti od pochybných liečebných praktík

William Shakespeare
The Merry Wives of Windsor
The new SND building, Drama hall

Classical Shakespearean comedy about the philandering knight Falstaff

Paul Rudnick
The New Century
The new SND building, Studio

An appealing shock therapy that will open your eyes, melt your heart and raise your mouth corners

Natalie Kocab
The Owl
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

A production about different opinions, dated views, as well as mutual understanding between two generations.

Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, Henry Shields
The Play that Goes Wrong
The new SND building, Studio

Contemporary British comedy presents an ironic view of the world of theatre and, at the same time, pays tribute to this world

Robert Crichton
The Secret of Santa Vittoria
The new SND building, Drama hall
Temperamentný príbeh o tom, ako nebrať veci vážne, až kým nejde o život
Nikolaj Vasilijevič Gogoľ, Oleg Liptsin
The Story on How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich Have Fallen Out With Each Other
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

A story that took place between two neighbours in the small town of Mirhorod, but could also take place in your neighbourhood

Kolektív autorov
Till the Stones Come...
The new SND building, Drama hall

Sex, drugs and rockenroll... And MONEY

Joseph Conrad, David Jařab
Under Western Eyes
The new SND building, Studio

The story of a man who tried to sail harmlessly through an authoritarian regime, to have nothing to do with it, but chance prevented him from doing so

Maxim Gorkij
Vassa Zheleznova
The new SND building, Studio

A play about wealth that becomes fatal. About the life we want to protect and save. At what price?

Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj
War and Peace
The new SND building, Drama hall

One of the greatest pieces of world literature

Tereza Trusinová
What's up!
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

CLASSROOM PLAY (Staged in a classroom)

Kolektív autorov
You Will Have a Wild Night!
The new SND building, The Blue Salon

A creative reflection on a tragedy that has remained suppressed and untold for nearly a hundred years. A tragedy caused by prejudice that is present to this day.